Friday, July 22, 2011

YPN 2011 Participant - Toni

Name: Antoine Joseph Abou Mitri

Name you go by: Toni

Age: 28

Country: Lebanon

Name of YMCA: YMCA Lebanon

Role at the YMCA: Youth Leader

Why you are participating in the Youth Peace Network: I am looking forward to a lot of new experiences, and spending time with new people. I am also hoping to expand my horizons while spreading a message of peace.

1 comment:

  1. Hi toni,"and a blessed time to all the YP people of 2011"
    few words about our friend toni, he is a typical symbol of a christian lebanese young person, a peace maker, an ambitious guy, optimist man and humble.
    2allama3ak toni.
    eliAs k.
